
Monday, December 3, 2012

"Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams. Live the Life You Have Imagined." - Henry David Thoreau

A recent late night talk with a very wise friend led us to the subject of dreams. Why people dream, and why some people don’t dream. And why some people have dreams and don’t pursue them. My like-minded friend and I thought about the people out there who simply didn’t dream or didn’t try to live their dreams. “I don’t understand,” she said, and neither did I.

On the way home from my friend’s house, I thought about those people who were on the brink of chasing their dreams – those people who are at a point in their lives where they can choose the road they’ve always wanted to choose or they can choose the one society deems “realistic.” Or maybe they’re choosing between the path everyone pushes them to pursue and the path they actually want to pursue.

It’s a hard decision when you’re standing at these crossroads. Your first step down this new unknown path will affect the outcome of every moment for the rest of your life.

No pressure, right?

I don’t remember actually coming to that split in the path. Ha! Maybe I just skipped down the path so incoherently that I didn’t even see the fork in the road! (With me… it’s quite possible.) Or maybe the decision was just that easy for me. Now that I think about it – I did have a split in the road. I guess it was probably the point I started my dance studio. For those who have been reading the blog, you know the story, but here’s the quick catch-up: I was working the typical nine-to-fiver and just knew that life wasn’t for me, so I quit my job and (as cliché as it might sound) followed my heart and pursued a career in dance. For me, it was a no-brainer.

I was lucky enough to have an easy decision, but I feel for those who struggle with their direction, especially those dreamers who have watchful eyes surrounding them – watchful “realistic-thinking” eyes. Or those who believe great ambitions are expected of them, ambitions everyone has considered a reality for them since they were little, and if those ambitions weren’t fulfilled, the only reality would be failure. The pressure on these dreamers is immense, and sometimes dreams that started out pleasurable and adventurous can turn into tasks, responsibilities that suck the magic out of the experience.

My best advice to those people (take it for what it is and do with it what you will) – you HAVE to push away all of those thoughts and expectations. Yes, those people are important to us. No, we don’t want to let them down. But truly the people who love you will love you and support you no matter what you do. The tasks that you complete and the goals you reach in life are not always the most important thing. Yes, they make for some cool stories and they allow you to check some things off that bucket list, but happiness, true inner happiness, is the utmost goal that anyone should strive for. If happiness means performing on a Broadway stage or traveling the world or being a photographer that snaps that perfect action shot to grace the cover of their favorite magazine, then that’s the path for you. If happiness means raising a family, running a farm, starting your own small business, or simple adventures with friends, then that is the path your footsteps should mark.

Each life is measured differently. Each person defines success differently. For some, success is wealth. For others, success is experience. Success is family. Success is adventure. Success is compassion. Success is influence. Success is teaching. Each person needs to look inside their own dictionary and figure out how they (not the people around them) define success. But one thing that is for sure, one common definition between everyone is that success is happiness – that feeling inside that makes you feel like beams of sunshine are bursting from your heart, the butterflies in the chest, and the smile that slowly spreads across your face when you think about an experience ahead or a goal completed.

Happiness is where you find dreams. Pursue your happiness and your dreams will be there.

And by the way, for those who are standing at the crossroads, for those trying to figure out what exactly your dreams are and what path will make you happy. For those who just aren’t sure what their next step should be or what exact dream they should pursue…. Think about this: Who says choosing one path puts another to darkness? Roads throughout the entire world leave each other and then intersect again. Why can’t our dreams? Why can’t one dream lead to another? And if you’re at a point in your life where you see no path to your dreams, then by golly, make a new one! (How do you think those paths got there in the first place?) Choosing one path for life doesn’t erase the road to another. You may just be taking the scenic route…. which has better views anyway! Dreams can overlap each other. So choose a path not for finality, but for happiness. And if multiple paths are calling out to you, explore them all! That’s why God gave us four-wheel drive.

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