Every now and then, a person will come
into your life at just the right moment. It might be a friend or it
might be a complete stranger. But sometimes God knows exactly who to
send to us and when. I recently had two experiences like this. One
friend I was led to through a slightly uncomfortable mutual issue. We
started out problem solving our mutual issue and ended up talking
about my childhood. The friend, bless her, started talking to me
about the Bible, telling me very relevant Bible stories that I had
either 1) never heard of before, or 2) had never considered how
influential they could be on issues I had been through – issues
that didn't even touch the odd situation that had brought us
We'll call this friend Sandy.
Throughout our conversation, Sandy and I both kept coming back to the
theory of “Everything happens for a reason.” I can't imagine the
horrible mutual issue that brought us together at that moment had
happened for that reason – to bring us together. But maybe it did,
because she said something to me that no one in my life (even I) had
ever realized.
Without going into so much detail...
When I was a kid, I found myself in intense situations where I had to
stand up to some crazy things to protect members of my family, even
when I was the youngest one in the family. I sometimes found myself
in situations that no child should ever find themselves in, but I had
to put on my big girl pants and do what needed to be done.
Now as an adult, and in talking to
Sandy about the odd situation we found ourselves in, I told her I had
an intense desire and determination to protect her and her family's
best interests. I simply told her that I was always like that. I felt
that way about any of my friends. I would walk through fire for them.
(And I literally meant it.) She simply looked at me with so much
wisdom and said “You feel this way because you had to protect your
family when you were a kid.” My jaw dropped. As crazy as it sounds,
I (nor any of my friends or family that knew and lived my history
alongside me) had ever made that connection. I was floored, and I
started to lose it. Being the shelled, protected person I am, I
immediately stopped myself and was barely successful in keeping
myself together. This friend, who I had never had this kind of
conversation with, had quickly developed a theory that was totally
accurate. I had talked to many other friends and family members in
way more depth about my past trying to figure things out and find
peace, and this one friend, because of this one situation, found
herself in a position to tell me something I had needed to hear for
years. It was amazing, and I will forever be grateful to her for her
kindness and guidance. I hope I have the opportunity to help her in
the future.
To top it off, I had a friend come to
me the very next day. (We will call him Sam.) We were working on a
mutual project and had to talk over some things. Once business is out
of the way, Sam and I usually get off on a tangent or deep talk about
people, life, and the divine – all very interesting conversations.
Now before I tell you where our
conversation went, I'll give you a little back story. I've been
having a bit of a rough time in my life lately. Personal issues that
have made me feel very depressed and alone. All in all, the situation
is not as bad as it could be, but its still one of those situations
that has left me not knowing where to turn and what direction I
should go with my life. I can be hopeful one minute and depressed as
heck the next. One day will be going great, and then BAM! I'm hit
with terrible news that leaves me completely empty and broken.
This friend, bless him, knew nothing
about my situation. I, lightheartedly and briefly, filled him in on
some things, and we continued with the conversation as though my
situation was no big deal and I had everything under control. Little
did he know... But apparently he didn't have to know anything
specific because our conversation led to him opening me up to great
The night before, after I had talked
to Sandy, I went home somewhat hopeful but ultimately feeling the
same thing I had fought for so long – that I needed to not worry
about my own feelings and just be someone who cared for those around
her selflessly – kind of like a living guardian angel. (And I feel
selfish even typing this because I don't ever want anyone to think I
do anything for credit. I would be more than happy to do good deeds
from afar and no one ever know I was involved. So... if you're
reading this and think I'm doing a good deed for you sometime... just
ignore that thought.) Anyway... I had gone home and continued my
thought of “I just need to take care of other people and not worry
about myself.” (Typing that... I realize how stupid that sounds.
You can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself.
Another “ah-ha” moment...) I had become so upset and so depressed
that solving my own life seemed too complicated and helping other
people seemed so easy and purposeful. “If I could just forget my
own human needs and block them out, I could just be this being that
lived alone in the shadows and helped other people – a kind of
depressed guardian angel,” I thought. Weird, I know.
But then my friend, Sam, in us talking
about divine knowledge, how people operate, etc., etc., told me about
something he had read – that people sometimes get consumed by their
emotions. I agreed. “You know it's true,” I told him. “People
often worry too much about defining and holding on to their emotions
that they don't realize the knowledge and experience they can gain
from a situation.” Then, I realized... I was doing that exact
thing. I was getting too hung up on feeling bad that I wasn't
concentrating on learning from the situation I had found myself in,
learning about my own personal development, which might, in turn,
help with my situation overall.
Conversations with Sam always tend to
make me feel like everything is going to be okay. The conversation
ended, and he left. I watched him walk outside and get in his truck.
Little did he know that the simple things he said in our conversation
made a deeper impact than he thought.
Between Sandy and Sam, these two
friends were put with me at just the right time to provide the advice
and knowledge I needed on a day I needed it the most. Before those
conversations, I had woken up one morning feeling completely hopeless
and fell asleep that same night praying that God would just take away
my emotions. The combination of advice from these two friends have
given me hope and helped me continue through this time in my life –
a time that is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. A time
when I feel so lost.
The moral of the story? There are two.
1) Sometimes just when you think hope is lost and you have no idea
where to turn, God (or the universe, the divine, whatever you
believe) will bring people to you that will guide you. You just have
to be open to it. And 2) Never think what you have to say is small.
You never know when YOU may be the one God is sending. You never know
when what you have to say or your past experiences will make a
difference in someone's current situation. You may just give someone
the hope, knowledge, or advice they need to make it through the day,
and, if your lucky, you may have the opportunity to change someone's
life. These two friends have no idea how much they inspired me. And
the coolest thing? They didn't even mean to at all. They were just
being themselves.
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