
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"Take time to stop and smell the roses. - Unknown AND "No matter how busy you are, always make time for those people you would be afraid to lose." - Unknown

It’s funny how wrapped up in life you can get. Sometimes responsibilities just take control, and tunnel vision takes over. All you can think about is accomplishing whatever happens to be on your “to do” list at the time. “I don’t have time for that” or “I’m too tired” is your response to most things that are “luxury” – a leisurely phone call with a friend, attending a birthday party, fill-in-the-blank.

The funny thing is – when I’m in the middle of a big project, all I can think about is how I can’t wait until its over, how much less stressed I’ll be when it’s over. I don’t even really take time to enjoy the moment or the project I’m working on. It’s just one more thing to be flicked off my piled-full plate. I realized that about myself just about a month ago – during the busiest time of my year. To top it off, in the midst of a packed scheduled of fall performances, competitions and practices, and getting ready for my studio’s annual Showcase, I got the hair-brained idea to take my three teams, Little Switzerland, Sundance Express, and Rhythmic Alliance, to a joint audition for America’s Got Talent in Richmond, Virginia.

It was hectic. The audition was announced two weeks prior to the audition date. As it turned out, there was only one day within that two week time span that I could get all of my teams together to figure out exactly what our minute-and-thirty-second audition would entail. Just one three-hour practice was all we had to prepare for this possible once-in-a-lifetime audition. I reminded myself not to stress. “You have awesome dancers,” I told myself. “They’ll get it no problem.” And they did, of course. I just reminded myself to enjoy their talent and their determination as they worked hard to make sure all their moves, turns, and steps were as sharp as they could be. A friend and fellow dancer on one of my teams texted me the night before the audition and told me not to be nervous. “I’m not,” I stresslessly replied with a smilie face. “I have great dancers.”

Not being stressed while waiting for our AGT audition
The day of the audition was hectic, too. Here I was leading 25 dancers around Richmond, trying to find dancers amidst the crazy traffic and crowds. Again, I didn’t need to worry. Everyone was right where they should’ve been. Not only that, but everyone had all their audition paperwork ready to go. Even right up until the last holding room that led us into our audition, I wasn’t nervous. I guess I should’ve been, but I wasn’t. “Whatever will be, will be,” I thought. “If they like us, they like us. If they don’t, they don’t. All I know and need to know is my dancers are awesome.” I enjoyed the practices we had in the holding rooms. I enjoyed taking goofy pre-audition pictures, and I definitely enjoyed the funny antics that ensued at our post-audition/celebratory Olive Garden meal. Forget about the America’s Got Talent audition! All three of my clogging families just performed together. THAT was the coolest part. It was the first time they performed a routine together, and I sure hope it wasn’t the last. Who knows? Maybe America’s Got Talent liked what they saw? We shall see, I suppose.

This blog post is kind of two-fold. The other downfall to being so busy is forgetting those you love. Not just family, but those friends that you don’t see on a regular basis. Or the friends you used to see and talk to on a regular basis but don’t anymore because you’re so wrapped up in your own life. It’s hard – trying to fulfill all the responsibilities you’re supposed to doesn’t always leave enough time for a social life. That’s something I realized I greatly missed whenever my performance season ended just this past weekend with my studio’s Showcase.

The biggest (and last!) performance of the year was over. I finally had time to breathe and realize things I’d missed. Other than thinking “I just want to collapse on the couch for a week,” I thought “I miss my friends.” I need to catch up with that writer friend of mine that lives in New York. I miss visiting with my best friend over a cup of her delicious hot chocolate or listening to her play guitar. I miss leisurely watching movies with another friend of having stupid religious or political debates. I wanted to set in stone that girl’s night out my girlfriends and I had been trying to plan for months. I started looking forward to the annual Christmas shopping trip I took with my sister – the Christmas shopping trip that would make up for the Birthday shopping trip in August that I was too busy to go on…. I even accepted an invite from a friend to an acquaintance’s baby shower. Yeah, me… the socially awkward girl who’s scared of babies. It seems my social side wants to get out a little bit. Most importantly, I just desired to reconnect with my friends and family. Maybe it’s the holiday season coming up. I love Christmas and the joyful spirit it brings, so that may be it. Or maybe my unsocial butterfly personality is finally getting over itself. Either way, I have a feeling I’m going to be doing a lot more hanging out with friends and family during this off-season.

So back to my original point: I think its just crazy that we (or at least, I) can’t remember or have time to be a caring human during my most hectic season, which runs from March to November. So am I telling myself that I have to be a non-communicating, stressed ball of nerves for nine out of twelve months of the year? That’s just ridiculous! Nothing is THAT important! It seems as though I need to re-examine my priorities… Starting now!!

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